Shakespeare, sex and violence – November 1994


from The Western Review November 1994

Shakespeare, sex and violence

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There are several good reasons for avoiding opinion pieces.

One is the fact that opinions do change!

I wrote this in the mid-1990s before glassings came into vogue in Northbridge pubs.

Disclaimer: the author no-longer holds these views.

Well, some of them perhaps.

Body parts mixed up 22/6/2013

POST Newspapers


Transplant organs sent to the wrong cities

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Human organs removed for transplant had been mislabelled and sent to wrong cities, a worker’s compensation arbiter heard this week.
In a second incident described to the hearing, a donor liver due to arrive in Perth from interstate was found in a courier van with other parcels while the local surgical team waited in theatre for an hour and a half.

Body parts mixed up - continued

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It emerged this week that three of WA’s most experienced organ donor coordinators were no longer working in the public health system.

Burning the bush helps conserve animals and plants 26/07/2012

STANFORD University researchers have produced hard data to show desert Aboriginal bush-burning practices result in smaller, cooler fires and help conserve reptiles and small mammals while promoting plant diversity.

bush_burningEcological anthropologist Associate Professor Rebecca Bliege-Bird says key game species are more plentiful near Western Desert communities and well-used roads, where people frequently light hunting fires.

“Where people are lighting fires and making small fire mosaics you tend to find more kangaroo (Macropus robustus) and you also tend to find more sand goannas (Varanus gouldii),” she says.

Science Network WA, now defunct, originally published this article. –GV 21/5/2017

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Archaeological sites ‘easier to destroy’ in WA 22/5/13

Two stories from The Koori Mail.

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In the first, a consulting archaeologist and a KLC heavyweight say it is getting easier to destroy archaeological sites in Western  Australia.

In the second, the National Native Title Council CEO weighs in along with the WA Aboriginal Affairs minister and another consulting archaeologist.




Archaeology at Barrow Island 1/6/13


Barrow Island, off the WA coast, was once part of the mainland. As sea levels rose, the Aboriginal inhabitants would have visited less and less often. It is likely that they didn’t go there at all for some 7,000 years, until the pearling industry brought a few people back to the island in the 19th Century.

Archaeologists are about to start excavating several ancient habitation sites. This should give us a rare glimpse of what life was like in the ice age.

Science Network WA, which originally published this story, is now defunct so I have reproduced it below. –GV 21/5/2017 Continue reading